
Blog update #2.

I can't remember what this was supposed to be about. I know I said "lengthy", but this story isn't, so I have no idea what I meant.


For those of you that read my blog about the college telling me I missed a date...

The other week, I drove the minute and a half it took me to get to the art class. It was ridiculously cold out, and I'd never been there so I wanted to make sure I didn't walk in circles and end up late.

While walking to the building, I saw a lady asking for directions. I figured maybe she was a model too- the school is small and has several little buildings/converted houses in the neighborhood. After accidentally walking into a residential building, I found the art class at the back of the school's bookstore. I was about ten minutes early, and changed while students set up, and the teacher got situated.

He mentioned that "the last model" didn't show up, and I blushed and told him I was that model. We then talked about how I knew it wasn't my fault, and he admitted he often has trouble getting packages from the office.

A few minutes later, the lost woman from the street walked in with a yoga mat, water bottle, snacks, and slippers in tow.

Oh no, I thought.

Hi- confusion on her face as she stared at me in my robe - my name is _____. Is this room ____, are you James? I'm your model for today.

Me (loudly): SEE!!!? I KNEW it wasn't my fault!! SEE?

This poor lady had driven an hour and a half. I told her she could just do the class since I live so close. She declined because I had gotten there first.

When I went to the office to fill out paperwork, the model coordinator was on the phone with the model, and when she hung up she told me "That model has a lot going on in her head right now."

Yeeaah. And she just happened to show up at the right building at the right time on the right day, when there are ten other little buildings holding classes at different times on different days.



Kem said...

You have a great portfolio, that exudes class and style. You are beyond photogenic, the camera has no choice but to love you.

If you ever put together a current port in which you are dressed I would like to feature you on my Blog.


You can befriend me on Myspace. All of my contact information for Myspace is on my blog. Enterpolics is my Myspace user name, request me and I will put you on my friends list.

Good luck in all that you do and I hope one day I can feature you are my model of the month.

Anonymous said...

Oh man... I totally know what school you're talking about.

Sometimes the whole scene there is a little dippy but it seems like a good gig and definitely super close to you!

I'm so happy you blogged! GO SHANDRA!