
another workshop!

On Sunday, I posed for another workshop.

This workshop was far and away more extensive than any workshop I have posed for in the past, and took a lot of energy. Energy I didn't really have.

About a week prior, I started having major sinus issues. I tried everything, but could not get myself to a point of clarity. Though I have had a near perfect sleep schedule for the past month, my finicky health caused a major disturbance, and I have been up until at least five am every night since (it is now four am). I was to arrive at the studio by nine am, which means I would have to have left my house by about seven thirty. At six thirty am, I called my mother (a doctor) because I still could not sleep, and I realized my heart was beating twenty times more per minute than usual. She said I was probably just dehydrated, and that my resting heart rate was still within normal limits. So, I slammed some water and got out of bed, knowing full well I wasn't going to fall asleep for the fifteen minutes I had before my alarm went off.

I felt absolutely miserable. I considered pulling off to the side of the road to sleep, but knowing that I was hired for my professionalism, talent, and and experience kept me from doing so. I thought to myself "If I crash, at least I'll have a worthy excuse. If I show up and am wretched...at least I showed up." On I went...in a daze, sipping my ginger/fruit/yogurt smoothie, hoping to wake up a little. Failed attempt.

By the time I arrived in New Hampshire, I had been awake for sixteen hours. I felt like death and probably looked it. My eyes were raw, I was dizzy, and I really, REALLY just wanted to curl up on the couch and go to sleep for about ten hours. Of course, I couldn't.

For the first hour or so, we held a group discussion about how to go about interacting with a model before, during, and after a shoot. There were five students, two models, one owner and one assistant. I really enjoyed being able to get things off my chest and let beginner photographers know where those before them have fallen short. I feel the discussion panel was a very valuable addition to the day, and a great way to kick things off. I liked that I didn't feel rushed. I didn't feel as if I had to cram everything I know about being a professional into a thirty second speech; I was really able to get all my points across, and everyone in the room listened intently. While I, of course, was actively listening and participating...every time it wasn't my turn to talk, it took everything in me not to throw the hood of my robe over my head and nod off to dream land.

Because I was about thirty seconds away from from face-planting onto the floor, when Bud (the organizer/studio owner) asked which model would like to stand in for the lighting tests, I jumped at the chance. I felt if I stayed static for too long, I would reach the point of no return and just pass out. I don't know if any of you have ever been this tired before, but it makes existence an absolutely miserable experience. On top of that, I could not breathe through my nose, and had just started my period a few days prior. To reiterate, that's:

*sinus issuse
*zero sleep
*eight hour day


Anyway...(still not done. more later.)

1 comment:

Collin J. Rae said...

I love blogs and seeing what people think about and respond to. KOOL.